KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
SimonZeidler - 18:39, Friday 08 November 2019 (1820)
Birefringence map of unknown Shinkosha sample

Pengbo, Simon

Yesterday, we started mapping the birefingence distribution of the (yet) unknown Shinkosha substrate which turned out to have coated surfaces (apparently both HR and AR).

As reported already, due to this issue, we cannot do a quantized analysis regarding the polarization angle.
Therefore, I present here just the ratio of the S and P polarized fields which should resemble the basic distribution in any case.

As can be seen, we have a very structured map which looks like the spider-web structure we know already from Shinkosha#7 sample. In addition, we got a lot of spots with some exaggerated measurement values. Those are most likely due to the coatings and represent defects.

Images attached to this report