KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
PengboLi - 17:37, Thursday 07 November 2019 (1812)
Polarization Maps on KAGRA-size sample

Simon, Pengbo

Today we started the polarization map on Shinkosha KAGRA-size sample.

First, we took the sample out of the transportation box and inspected the mirror visually, we found coating on both sides and an arrow on the barrel, which we think might indicates the HR coating. (please check the attached photo). So we place the sample with the HR side facing the laser.

Then, We measured the AC and DC value under s- and p- polarization without the sample and move the sample back to the center. Due to the HR coating, we increase the laser power to recieve a measurable signal (--> 2A input current + removing ND filters.) However, After this adjustment, we cannot confirm the polarization status becasue the laser power to too high to measure. For now, we assume it was still the p polarization and ran the map.

Apart from that, we did a test about the output beam. We put another HWP in the output beam and adjusting so that it is maximized in p polarization.

  with the HWP  without the HWP
AC 1.82mV 1.96mV
DC 33.5mV 33.9mV

As can be seen, the results did't change so much.

Images attached to this report
1812_20191107093638_27.jpg 1812_20191107093645_40.jpg 1812_20191107093654_58.jpg