R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 23:56, Wednesday 06 November 2019 (1810)
Measurement of frequency independent squeezing on 20191106

[Aritomi, YaoChin, and Yuhang]

After the check of frequency-dependent squeezing(reported in elog 1805), we decide that we could go on the replacement of the Faraday isolator.

But we decide that we should do the replacement after measuring again frequency-independent squeezing. So we did the thing we report here.

The measurement of squeezing is done with the main laser not locked to the filter cavity. And the result is attached in the first attached figure. As you can see from this figure, we could only see a bit squeezing in the high-frequency region. At the same time, we found the CC1 loop was quite unstable. So we guess the phase noise is quite high now. 

So we did the measurement of phase noise. The pk-pk value of CC1/2 phase noise is as following

  pk-pk calibration factor
CC1 40mV pi/4/0.04/15
CC2 208mV pi/2/0.079/15

The result is attached in figure 2. By comparing the phase noise measured before and reported in elog 1572, they are quite similar. By comparing the shape of phase noise and squeezing measurement, we also found that CC2 phase noise is dominating the measurement of squeezing.

Images attached to this report
1810_20191106155557_sqz.png 1810_20191108141838_figure1.png