R&D (FilterCavity)
YaoChinHuang - 23:03, Wednesday 06 November 2019 (1804)
Check IR transmission modes of filter cavity

[Yuhang, Yao-Chin]

When dithering loop was open, we recorded that IR transmission modes correspond to AOM frequency (entry 1701) without parametric amplification of BAB which power was 318 uW. The result was as follows, mode matching was around 89.9%. We could realign suspension of BS and INPUT mirrors to reduce high-order modes. After aligning mirrors and dithering loop was closed, IR transmission was 405. At same time, we observed the GR and IR transmission signals during ten minutes as shown Fig 2. After ten minutes, IR and GR were misaligned obviously with decreased 16% and 4%, respectively. The CCD camera image changed from Fig 3 to Fig 4. Today, the filter cavity was unstable.

Mode IR transmission (average value) AOM frequency (MHz) Difference -109.03565 (MHz)
HG00(TEM00) 370 109.03565 0
HG10 (Yaw) 115 109.43133 0.39568
HG01 (Pitch) 100 109.43223 0.39658
HG11 98 109.82843 0.79278
HG02 96 109.82922 0.79357
HG20 97 109.83783 0.80218
Background 95    

Note: From CCD camera image showed to define mode as Fig 1.

Images attached to this report
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