KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
PengboLi - 16:55, Thursday 31 October 2019 (1789)
Reflectance and Transmittance of the OSTM sample with ATC coatings
[Simon, Pengbo]

Today we reconfigured the setup to birefringence measurement. First, we measured the reflectance and transmittance under different conditions.

With the P-pol input polarization, we got
P_in = 7.64 mW, P_refl = 7.559 mW, P_trans = 0.206 mW
R = 0.9894, T = 0.0270
With the S-pol input polarization, we got
P_in = 7.649 mW, P_refl = 7.602 mW, P_trans = 0.007 mW
R = 0.9939, T = 0.0009

Then, we did the S-polarization map on TAMA#1. The result will be shown tomorrow.