R&D (FilterCavity)
MatteoLeonardi - 17:03, Wednesday 30 October 2019 (1781)
Second failure of the BS TMP
[Eleonora, Takahashi, Matteo]

Today we had another failure of the BS TMP.
The error is number 089 which is for "Rotor vibration". The pump stopped autonomously.

After consulting with Takahashi-san we closed the gate valve between the TMP and the BS chamber as well as the valve between the BS TMP and RP and switched off the BS RP.
At this stage the pressure in the BS+PR was around 10^-3 mbar. In the input tower it was 10^-7 and in the arm 10^-8 (the gate valve around the input tower were still closed due to the work performed yesterday on the input mirror coil).
We open the gate valve between input and PB+PR and the pressure stabilized around 10^-4. So we let it go down few minutes until the pressure in input+BS+PR reached 10^-6 and then we opened the gate valve between the arm and the CITF. After that the pressure stabilized around 10^-6 and it is slowly going down.

In this moment there is only the pumping system of the input tower working for the central area.