KAGRA AOS (General)
SimonZeidler - 16:41, Thursday 17 September 2015 (178)
SiC sample surface map

I have measured the surface-map of two SiC samples (both polished) with Zygos NewView instrument.

One sample is from Kyocera and the other one from a cheaper company. For both samples it is actually quite difficult to measure the rms roughness as in both samples, the surface is featured by a lot of holes, partly having depths of 2-6 mum. Therefore, I got rms values ranging from 1 to 10 nm for both samples. Nevertheless, from the maps itself one can get the conclusion that kyoceras polishing (the first picture) is better as, apart from the holes, it looks smoother.

Images attached to this report
178_20150917094038_sicspolished.bmp 178_20150917094108_sicbpolished2.bmp