KAGRA VIS (Mirror Assemble)
AyakaShoda - 18:29, Monday 14 September 2015 (176)
IM assembly updated

I continued the IM assembly.

1. Attach the pin connector to the picomotors.

2. Move the picomotors and adjust its position.

3. Attach the picomotors to the base plate.

4. attach the spring and the side wall of IM box.

5. same for the upper picomotor.


*What I noticed:
- The spring is compressed a lot. So the spring winds even we have the pole inside. (the gap between the spring and the pole is not small.)
- the tube for the connection pins are too loose to be fixed at their position. At this time, I fixed the tube and the cable using the cable clamps so that the tubes do not move.
 But if we use the same tube for the other parts, we need to shrink these using a heat gun or something.

The procedure remained is connecting upper board to the base(, which needs more than two people).

Images attached to this report
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