R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 09:54, Monday 21 October 2019 (1757)
Correction of PD's position for FC_tra IR / IR transmission issue

Yao-Chin and Yuhang

We found filter cavity transmission IR PD is placed not on the waist of the detection beam. To avoid the clipping noise and also increase the detection ability, we corrected it. Look at the attached picture 1 and 2. Now the PD is closer to BS and the beam is well within PD.

Also, we measured the filter cavity transmitted power.  Compare this transmitted 0.5uW with incident 400uW. The measured transmission is about 0.6%. While the calculated value from the LMA specification is 1%. Since the measured IR after Dichroic and laser line filter goes thorough a lot of optics, this should be consistent.

Images attached to this report
1757_20191021025403_beforemove.jpeg 1757_20191021025417_now.jpeg 1757_20191021025433_fctrair.jpeg