KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 17:27, Monday 07 September 2015 (174)
Big translation stage and next steps.

Members: Tatsumi, Manuel.

Big translation stage have been delivered. The company man came last thursday and today. We temporary mounted the parts on a small optical table, we configured the controllers using its software. It works properly.


Next steps before setting the big translation stage are:

 - To measure the absorption of the two Shinkousha sapphire samples that Hirose-san kindly sent to us. 

 - To make some power measurements of the pump (after and before the chopper), in order to see how the power measurement depends on the modulation frequency.

 - To understand better the beam profile of the probe beam in order to be able to make a detail design of how to move the parts of the absorption system and make enough space to place the big mirrors.

Images attached to this report
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