KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
PengboLi - 18:36, Thursday 10 October 2019 (1731)
Polarization Maps on Sapphire Samples from SHINKOSHA #S1, #S2, #S3, #S5, #S6
[Simon, Pengbo]

Attach to this report are the polarization maps and polarization angle distribution maps.

As can be seen, the polarization maps of these five samples both very homogeneous.
Images attached to this report
1731_20200322095113_figure21.png 1731_20200322095143_figure1.png 1731_20200322095159_figure11.png 1731_20200322095224_figures1.png 1731_20200322095243_figure11.png 1731_20200322095325_figure22.png 1731_20200322095341_figure2.png 1731_20200322095402_figure21.png 1731_20200322095505_figures2.png 1731_20200322095518_figure21.png