R&D (FilterCavity)
NaokiAritomi - 23:41, Tuesday 08 October 2019 (1721)
Alignment of IR with green and IR overlapping

[Aritomi, Yuhang, Yaochin]

First, we found that IR transmission was only 450 and it was due to optimal p pol PLL frequency changed. Current optimal PLL frequency with 60mW green is 150MHz. After this change, IR transmission became 2500.

Then we aligned IR with two steering mirrors on the bench to make green and IR overlap at first and second target.

Current mode matching is as follows. Mode matching is improved a bit and 93.5% now.

Mode IR transmission
TEM00 2000
HG10 120
HG01 180
IG20 120
offset 94

Although green and IR should overlap, IR transmission is still fluctuating. Attached picture shows spectrum of IR transmission.

BAB reflection measurement:
injection: 408uW
reflection (off resonance): 321-331uW
reflection (on resonance): 180-220uW

Off resonance reflectivity is 79-81%. On resonance reflectivity is 44-54%. Note that p pol PLL is 305MHz without green and current BAB power before OPO is 186mW.

Images attached to this report