R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 22:29, Tuesday 08 October 2019 (1720)
Check the overlap of GR and IR

[Aritomi, Yuhang, Yaochin]

We could find green and infrared beam from the first and second targets. We draw a circle of beam edge (as shown in attached pictures) on the screen and compared the profile of green beam and IR beam.

In the end, we confirmed both IR and GR overlapped very well.

Attached picture 1 and 2: IR and GR on the first target (before overlap)

Attached picture 3 and 4: IR and GR on the second target (after overlap)

Note: In entry 1709, we couldn't see IR on the first target. This time we could see IR on the first target, the reason is figured out that the iris inside the camera was closed too much. After the fully open of it, we solved the problem.

Images attached to this report
1720_20191008164408_ironfirst.jpeg 1720_20191008164416_gronfirst.jpeg 1720_20191008164427_ironsecond.jpeg 1720_20191008164438_gronsecond.jpeg