KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
PengboLi - 20:07, Tuesday 08 October 2019 (1718)
Comparison of the absorption map between SHINKOSHA#5 and SHINKOSHA# 6
[Simon, Pengbo]

Attached to this report are the XY maps and distribution histograms of the absorption coefficient from the Shinkosha #5((shown in the attached figure 1 and 2), and Shinkosha #6(shown in the attached figure 3 and 4), the color bar scale for the two maps is the same.

As can be seen, sample #6 has better absorption than sample #5, and we think this is due to the inhomogeneous of the absorption along the z-axis of the samples.

For these two samples, we choose the center of the z-axis. We can check our assumption by doing another XZ maps.
Images attached to this report
1718_20200322092925_figure4.png 1718_20200322093121_figure5.png 1718_20200322093634_figure1.png 1718_20200322093741_figure2.png