KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
SimonZeidler - 19:45, Monday 07 October 2019 (1705)
Absorption Measurement on Small Sapphire Smaple from Shinkosha

Pengbo, Simon

We removed the OSTM and packed it again. It is now located in the small shelf inside the clean room.

After that, we recalibrated the system.
The calibration values are:

R_surf = 17.86 1/W
(AC = 0.54V, DC = 4.58V, P_in = 0.030W, abs_surfref = 0.22)

R_bulk = 0.8 cm/W
(DC = 0.105V, AC = 5.42V, P_in = 0.030W, abs_bulkref = 1.04/cm)

Then, we exchanged the calibration sample with the first of the 5 small Shinkosha Sapphire samples: S5 (2" x 20mm)
We located the center of the sample as [X,Y,Z] = [327.25, 122, 33.5].
The transmittance of the sample is T ~ 0.85

Since we cannot set 10W as an input power and leave it as it is while moving the sample into the beam and out again (the sample holder will cut the beam otherwise), we set the power to its minimum trough the polarizer while it is feeded with 7A current and used the beam-shutter for moving the sample holder. In the center position, we set the power to maximum. The transmitted beam power has been measured to be 8.4W.

Now the map is being taken with 15mm radius.