KAGRA VIS (Mirror Assemble)
ManuelMarchio - 11:34, Friday 21 August 2015 (161)
Wire breakers and flags glueing on spare mirror

Members: Tatsumi, Hirose, Manuel

We went to Kashiwa campus on wednesday and we glued the wire breakers and the flags on the spare mirror.

I attach some pictures:

Figure1: Pour the first contact on the surface

Figure2: Spread the first contact

Figure3: Attach the little mesh to later remove the film.

Figure4: Set the mirror on the glueing rotating table. The arrow indicates the HR surface facing downward.

Figure5: Set the stages

Figure6: Set the lenses and rotate the table to be sure the white lines are aligned. Then remove the lenses.

Figure7: Put glue on the bigger wire breaker

Figure8: Put glue on the smaller wire breaker

Figure9: Fix the wire breakers on the stage

Figure10: Approach and attach the wire breakers to the surface using the micrometer screw

Figure11: Detail of the wire breaker

Figure12: Set the upper table and fix the flag mounts without glue to be sure they contact the surface

Figure13: Put  glue on the flags

Figure14: Paste the flags

Figure15: All flags are set

Images attached to this report
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