R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 08:00, Monday 02 September 2019 (1588)
Real model update for AA -- part 1

I implemented the real time and MEDM models for reading signals from WFS and convert it into pitch and yaw (including options for filtering, normalization, etc..).

The code is basically copied from KAGRA one. I implemented two subsystem models: one for DC signals (pic1) and one for RF (pic2). The corresponding medm screen are shown in pic3 and pic4.

I used two common medm screens model and passed it different variables, corresponding to the two WFS we plan to used (WFS1, WFS2). Everything seems to work fine.

At some point I mistakenly took a snapshot of the epic channels values just after restarting the model, so that the default snapshot file was overwritten with the initialized values. I contacted Miyakawa-san that explained me that every time the model is restarted a snapshot is automatically stored in the folder /opt/rtcds/k1/kagra/target/k1fds/k1fdsepics/burt wih. So I could restore the previous epic channel values by using this last snapshot file.

The next step will be to implement the sensing matrix and the feedback loop to the mirrors.

Images attached to this report
1588_20190902005623_wfsdcdgs.png 1588_20190902005631_wfsrfdgs.png 1588_20190902005642_wfsdcmedm.png 1588_20190902005651_wfsrfmedm.png