KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 16:15, Thursday 13 August 2015 (158)
Microscope map of LMA sample #15034

In order to state which part of the sample I was watching exactly, I used the sample boundaries as reference.

First I made a map with the DC signal in order to define the boundaries. I put it together in the same plot of the last absorption measurement (See Figure1.png). I could do that because I didn't remove the sample from the holder since the last measurement.

Then I took many pictures at the microscope and I put them together to make all mirror map. (See Figure2.jpg)

I overlap the two images making a matching of the boundaries. (See Figure3.jpg)

Finally I found the corresponding area. (See Figure4.jpg). The problem is that the pattern of dots at the microscope doesn't completely correspond to the absorption peaks pattern.

Images attached to this report
158_20150813084818_figure1.png 158_20150813085441_figure2.jpg 158_20150813091250_figure3.jpg 158_20150813091308_figure4.jpg