R&D (FilterCavity)
NaokiAritomi - 08:53, Wednesday 28 August 2019 (1572)
Phase noise of CC1,2
[Aritomi, Yuhang]
We measured phase noise of CC1,2. Error signal is
CC1: 84.8mVpp
CC2: 252mVpp
Green power is 40mW and CC2 demodulation phase is 50deg (squeezing).
Note that peak to peak value of CC2 error signal is changed by overlapping of LO and CC and demodulation phase of CC2.
Attached plot shows phase noise of CC1,2.
We also measured CC2 OLTF (Pic. 3). UGF of CC2 is around 350Hz and we couldn't increase UGF because of 3.2kHz resonance.
Images attached to this report
1572_20190828155211_20190828cc1.png 1572_20190828155216_20190828cc2.png 1572_20190901055234_cc2oltf.png