R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 21:54, Monday 26 August 2019 (1566)
The bench situation after summer holiday

Today I checked the alignment of SHG, GRMC, OPO, IRMC and homodyne.

Among them, only OPO and homodyne is misaligned. So every misalignment is related to OPO.

Homodyne visibility is measured as 90.37%. (The situation of homodyne will be reported in the following entry)

Fig.1 SHG spectrum

Fig.2 GRMC spectrum

Fig.3 OPO p-pol spectrum

Fig.4 OPO p-pol spectrum(after alignment improvement)

Fig.5 IRMC spectrum

Fig.6 OPO CC spectrum

Fig.7 OPO BAB spectrum

Fig.8 OPO BAB spectrum(after pitch alignment improvement)

Images attached to this report
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