KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
SimonZeidler - 10:40, Thursday 08 August 2019 (1551)
Polarization map of ETMY with circular polarized light


Yesterday, I slightly changed the setup and put the QWP after the HWP so to be able to make the input beam circular polarized. The results can be seen in the pictures attached.

Obviously, the map is much more homogeneous than with linear polarized light, although there is a shift towards being more elliptical as the mean angle is ~52 degrees and not 45 degrees as expected with pure circular polarized light.
Interestingly, the prominent region in the upper left part visible in the other maps, vanished completely.

Images attached to this report
1551_20190808034037_mapcircpolinput.png 1551_20190808034042_distcircpolinput.png