KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
SimonZeidler - 13:12, Monday 05 August 2019 (1549)
Denomination Mistake for input S and P polarization


I just realized that it is nonsense to relate the input-beam S-polarization to 0 degrees while on the out-going beam it refers to P polarization in our scheme. Therefore, I changed the denomination in the pictures so it is more clear what is happening.

Images attached to this report
1549_20190805061157_distppolinput.png 1549_20190805061203_distspolinput.png 1549_20190805061209_distsppolinput.png 1549_20190805061215_mapppolinput.png 1549_20190805061220_mapspolinput.png 1549_20190805061225_mapsppolinput.png