R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 10:45, Tuesday 30 July 2019 (1527)
The measurement of coherence between squeezing and other signals

To see the contribution of noise at different frequencies, I performed the coherence measurement between squeezing and GRMC locking loop error signal/IRMC locking loop error signal/GRMC transmission signal/Green phase-locking error signal/IR phase-locking error signal.

The result is attached. From these results, we could have the following deduction:

All the measurement is using averaging of the meachine of 200, I think we should use more average in the future.

Images attached to this report
1527_20190730034624_grmcloop.png 1527_20190730034630_irmcloop.png 1527_20190730034636_grmctransmission.png 1527_20190730034642_grphase.png 1527_20190730034649_irphase.png 1527_20190730040432_figure1.png