R&D (FilterCavity)
NaokiAritomi - 19:18, Sunday 07 July 2019 (1442)
Further improvement of IR alignment

[Aritomi, Eleonora P&C, Yuhang]

This is work on July 5th.

We scanned green phase at 1kHz and scanned AOM again. The result of AOM scan and TEM00 are attached. With 1kHz green phase scan, TEM00 peak isn't measured properly. After AOM scan, we locked IR on TEM00 and HG01,10 and measured each power with dataviewer.

AOM frequency (MHz) IR transmission mode
109.03643 500 - 1200 TEM00
109.43154 100 - 200 HG10
109.43199 150 - 400 HG01

Then we tried to improve the alignment of IR. TEM00 and HG10,01 with 10 Hz green phase scan after the alignment is as follows.

AOM frequeny (MHz) IR transmission mode
109.03646 100 - 5500 TEM00
109.43156 100 - 300 HG10
109.43204 100 - 400 HG01

We haven't measured all the higer order modes, but mode matching should be around 90% now.

Images attached to this report
1442_20190707121914_20190705scan.png 1442_20190707122105_20190705tem00.png