R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 11:13, Thursday 13 June 2019 (1409)
The first characterization of misalignment and mode mismatching for filter cavity(IR/BAB)

Eleonora P, Yuhang, and Aritomi

By keeping green always locked, we measured the power of all the higher order modes we could see from camera. The reason to keep green locked is that we have 'two different FSR' for IR. We found a lot of higher order modes. But the main higher order mode is HG10. This means our alignment needs to be improved for yaw direction. The power for each mode is reported as follows.(picture attached insequence without HG10 and TEM00)

AOM frequency Transmission power Mode
108.93233MHz  180mV HG10
109.02030MHz 62mV HG50
109.02068MHz 64mV  
109.02125MHz 54mV  
109.03569MHz 90mV TEM00
109.20801MHz 54mV HG80
109.20911MHz 54mV HG81
109.22574MHz 76mV HG30
109.22632MHz 56mV LG11
109.41733MHz 56mV  
DC offset 48mV  

Some modes I didn't write name seem so-called ince-gaussian modes. Maybe it comes from the combination of yaw misalignment and mode-mismatch.

We found the second HG10 at 109.4313MHz, which means FSR is 0.499MHz which is in agreement with our expectation.

We will do alignment of yaw for the next step.

Images attached to this report
1409_20190613070942_2.jpg 1409_20190613070950_3.jpg 1409_20190613071000_4.jpg 1409_20190613071009_6.jpg 1409_20190613071016_7.jpg 1409_20190613071022_8.jpg 1409_20190613071028_9.jpg 1409_20190613071034_10.jpg