R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 16:26, Wednesday 29 May 2019 (1372)
INPUT MIRROR cotrolled with new DGS

The local controls for the input mirror have been implemented in the new DGS.

As usual,  we amplified and filtered the PSD signals for pitch and yaw with a SR560 (2nd order lowpass, cutoff 100 Hz, gain 100)

TF for yaw and pitch are reported in pic 1 and 2. (injected noise: 5000 and 7000 counts respectively)

As for PR and BS the pitch TF and coherence is not very good.

Comparison between open and closed loop spectra are shown in pic 3 (yaw) and 4 (pitch)

I attach the filters values (model and damp for both yaw and pitch):

Fig 5  yaw model

Fig 6  yaw damp

Fig 7 pitch model

Fig 8 pitch damp

I will compute the calibration soon.

Images attached to this report
1372_20190529092004_inputyawtf209519.png 1372_20190529092010_inputpitchtf290519.png 1372_20190529092115_inputyawspe290519.png 1372_20190529092120_inputpitchspe290519.png 1372_20190529092139_inputyawmodel.png 1372_20190529092147_inputyawdamp.png 1372_20190529092152_inputpitchmodel.png 1372_20190529092355_inputpitchdamp.png