R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraPolini - 18:46, Thursday 11 April 2019 (1289)
IR injection telescope simulation

I did a new simulation extending the optical path (of 45 cm), using 4 additional mirrors (fig 1).

The best simulation is shown in fig 2 where the first lens is 47.5 cm far from PBS and the second one is 86.6 cm far from PBS, both with the same focal of 1020 mm.

This solution is more robust than the previous one (entry #1283)  as shown in fig 3 and fig 4. Moving the lenses of +/- 1 cm we have a mismatch < 10%.

Next step:

- Simulation for the FC reflected beam (first idea in fig 5).

Images attached to this report
1289_20190411114258_benchinjection.png 1289_20190411114316_2lensesallpathbis.png 1289_20190411114324_mis1stlenslongpath2.png 1289_20190411114339_mis2ndlenslongpath2.png 1289_20190411120316_injectionrefl1.png