R&D (FilterCavity)
Pierre Prat - 14:14, Tuesday 26 March 2019 (1260)
Tests of the 7 SERVOFILTER modules
The 7 servo modules "SERVOFILTER" were tested at TAMA on Monday, March 25th and on Tuesday, March 26th.

1/ Every LEMO connector was tested successfully on the 7 SERVOFILTER modules

2/ The current consumption was tested successfully on the 7 SERVOFILTER modules:
* +12V: 130mA
* -12V: 85 mA

3/ The 5V supply was tested successfully on the 7 SERVOFILTER modules

4/ A closed loop test was performed successfully in injecting a perturbation on the RAMP IN input (square signal, 200 Hz, 1 Vpp, 5.1V offset).
The SERVO OUT output is connected to the input of a RC filter (R= 150 Ohm, C= 1 microFarad).
The output of this RC filter is connected to the ERROR IN input.
Thus, a pole is created (fc = 3.8 kHz - 42.7 Ohm/ 1 microFarad)
Tests performed successfully:
- SCAN MODE: the SERVO OUT was observed on the 7 modules to check that the triangular signal is correct
- Manual and Auto locking modes
- 1/f and 1/f3 filtering modes
- differentiator filtering (ON/OFF)
- ENABLE IN function

Remark: in Auto mode locking, the THRESHOLD is tuned in order to have -2.2V a voltage level on the THRESHOLD OUT output.
A voltage level Vth is injected on the TRANSMIS. IN input.
Vth < 2.2V => unlocked
Vth > 2.3V => locked
The ENABLE OU and LOCKED MON out outputs were checked:
LOCKED => 5V level
UNLOCKED => 0V level

After transportation, the integrity of the 7 SERVOFILTER modules was checked successfully.

See attached pictures files of the 7 SERVOFILTER modules.

Images attached to this report
1260_20190326060116_servofilterpictures1.jpg 1260_20190326060812_servofilterpictures2.jpg