R&D (FilterCavity)
NaokiAritomi - 18:32, Monday 18 March 2019 (1253)
Recovery of visibility and shot noise

[Aritomi, Eleonora P.]

Today we recovered visibility and shot noise.

For the alignment of LO in AMC, peak is 8.08V and mismatch is 28mV+3.6mV, which means mode matching is 99.6%.

We maximized BAB transmission from OPO by changing p pol PLL frequency. It was 291MHz without green.

For alignment of BAB in AMC, peak is 568mV and mismatch is 18.4mV, which means mode matching is 96.9%.

Then we measured visibility. Max is 7.76V and min is 2.4V, which means visibility is 0.528. Power of LO is 1.2mW and BAB is 0.107 mW. So theoretical visibility is 0.548. Mode matching estimated from visibility is 0.528.0.548=96.4%.

After alignment of homodyne, we got shot noise above 1kHz.

Tomorrow we'll recover squeezing and check shot noise level with CC.

Then we measured visibility. Max is 7.76V and minimum is 2.4V, which means visibility is 0.528.Power of LO is 1.2mW and BAB is 0.107 mW. So theoretical visibility is 0.548.
Mode matching estimated from visibility is 0.528.0.548=96.4%.