KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 13:30, Tuesday 05 March 2019 (1244)
Black sapphire map

with the parameters reported in elog entry 1239 we did the scan and the map of the black sapphire sample from Shinkosha.

Since the absorption is about 80%, there is a heavy depletion, so the scan is not symmetric.

The calibrated map looks different from the screenshots. It is because the screenshot shows the AC signal only, while the calibrated map is proportional to  AC/DC, where DC is not constant because the probe is absorbed not uniformly.

Images attached to this report
1244_20190305052958_squaremap.png 1244_20190305091306_201902272.png 1244_20190305091319_201902273.png 1244_20190305091402_201902274.png 1244_20190305091409_20190228.png