KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 20:09, Monday 04 March 2019 (1242)
1inch crystalline coating measurement

Scanned the surf ref sample with the HeNe probe - Fig 1 
R=AC/DC/P/Abs= 0.54/4.7/0.034/0.2 = 16.9W-1

Scanned the surf ref sample with the 1310nm probe - Fig 2
R=AC/DC/P/Abs= 0.086/1.98/0.034/0.2 = 6.4W-1

Mounted the 1inch Crystalline coating


When changing the samples we wanted to have about the same DC signal on the PD so we changed the current of the 1310nm laser source.

1310nm parameters:

laser source current   0.7A ->  PD DC: 2V (ref sample)

laser source current 1.97A ->  PD DC: 2V (cryst coating sample)


Scanned the crystalline coating sample with the 1310nm probe - Fig 3

Abs = AC/DC/P/R = 0.0018/1.9/10/6.4 = 14.8ppm

Map 4mm diameter - Fig 4

Calibrated Map and histogram - Fig 5 

Images attached to this report
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