R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 10:54, Monday 25 February 2019 (1234)
More work on KAGRA DGS installation

[Miyakawa-san, Matteo, Eleonora]

Yesterday, in the afternoon, Miyakawa-san came to NAOJ to finalize the installation of KAGRA DGS. 

1) He set up the router to make possible to access the computer from outside. Actually, we couldn't select a fix IP address for the moment so in case the assigned (DHCP) address changes we shoud use the new one for the remote access. The current one is

2) We powered the DAC, AI and AA modules with  +/-18 V. The total current needed for the 3 moduels is about 1.2 A so we had to use two power supplies.

4) We connected the AI and AA modules to DAC and ADC with Dsub9 cables I borrow in Kamioka last week. 

3) We created a test simulink model and started to do basic tests on ADC and DAC channes. No major problems have been found so far.

Tests will continue in the next days.