R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 23:45, Tuesday 11 December 2018 (1146)
The alignment of AMC for LO

Participaint: Aritomi and Yuhang

We aligned the local oscillator into the alignent mode cleaner(AMC). The method is to remove input and output mirror and then make sure the beam going through MC through the center. And the beam should be flat horizentally and vertically. The reason why we aligned LO first is it is easier because it is much brighter than the OPO transmission. Then we can use this as a reference for the alignment of the second beam.

The resule of this match is shown in the first and second attached figure. The matching is (1.75-0.012-(0.02-0.012))/(1.75-0.012)=99.5%

Images attached to this report
1146_20181211154517_amc1.png 1146_20181211154533_amc2.png