R&D (FilterCavity)
NaokiAritomi - 23:33, Wednesday 28 November 2018 (1127)
Green production of OPO
[Aritomi, Chienming, Eleonora, Shurong and Yuhang]
We locked OPO with s and p polarization and measured green production of OPO as a function of temperature. The power of s and p pol is 123 mW, 315 mW respectively.
The optimal temperature is now around 7.02 kOhm which corresponds to 307.6 K.
In the previous result, OPO was locked with only s pol whose power was 141 mW. Now the optimal temperature and shape of the graph are different from the previous one.
Power of s and p pol is about 100 mW, 300 mW respectively.
Optimal temperature is now around 7.02kOhm which corresponds to 307.6 K.
In a previous result, OPO was locked with only s pol whose power was 141 mW.
Now the optimal temperature and shape of the graph are different from the previous one.
Power of s and p pol is about 100 mW, 300 mW respectively.
Optimal temperature is now around 7.02kOhm which corresponds to 307.6 K.
In a previous result, OPO was locked with only s pol whose power was 141 mW.
Now the optimal temperature and shape of the graph are different from the previous one.
Power of s and p pol is about 100 mW, 300 mW respectively.
Optimal temperature is now around 7.02kOhm which corresponds to 307.6 K.
In a previous result, OPO was locked with only s pol whose power was 141 mW.
Now the optimal temperature and shape of the graph are different from the previous one.
We locked OPO with s and p polarization and measured green production of OPO as a function of temperature.
Power of s and p pol is about 100 mW, 300 mW respectively.
Optimal temperature is now around 7.02kOhm which corresponds to 307.6 K.
In a previous result, OPO was locked with only s pol whose power was 141 mW.
Now the optimal temperature and shape of the graph are different from the previous one.
Images attached to this report