KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 16:01, Friday 23 November 2018 (1113)
1310nm probe: filters added; responsivity increased; tests on LMA samples

I assembled the filters on the PDs, now each PD has a FEL1250 and a FELH1250, for a total OD=11. On the spectrum analyzer the pump peak disappeared.

I moved the imaging unit closer to the sample to increase responsivity. I looked for the sharp image of the beam and maximized the signal with the surface reference sample.
I maximized the signal changing the imaging unit position.
I attach a screenshot of the best calibration scan I got. R = 7.7 W-1, similar to the expected half of the HeNe one. (R = 18 W-1)
I also plot all the scans in the same 3d plot. I chose to set the IU at 27mm.

I measured the LMA sample that absorbs about 6ppm using 10W of pump power. I made some scans and a map.

I measured the LMA sample that absorbs 0.65ppm, with open loop and with closed loop.

I plot all the scans together

Images attached to this report
1113_20181123073527_4527mmc.png 1113_20181123073603_iuoptim.png 1113_20181123080101_lma20181121.png