KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 18:57, Wednesday 17 October 2018 (1026)
1310nm laser noise investigation. Polarization instability

The laser current is set at 200mA.
I sent the laser output on a PBS, to check how the jumps show up in the two polarizations. 
I collected the reflection with the PM100D-S145C. This is most of the power: 58mW.
The transmission (few mW) goes on a 50mm lens and a DET10N with load resistance of 500Ohm.

I watched together the analog output of the PM100D and the DET10N signal at the oscilloscope in AC coupling.
DC of PM100D is 335mV; DC of DET10N is 900mV.
I tried a similar measurement some time ago, but ince the PM100D signal is covered by high frequency noise, I couldn't see anything.
Now I filtered the signal with a SR560 set at AC coupling and low pass first order at 3kHz, gain 5.

The result is in the attached video.
Channel1 yellow is the PM100D filtered analog output. Channel2 blue is the output of the DET10N
The signal are completely anticorrelated. Apart from high frequencies of the PM100D that are filtered out by the SR560.

This proves that the jumps are due to polarization instability.

I also attach a video of the DC of the two detectors. Channel1 is the PM100D not filtered, channel2 (blue) is the DET100D. 

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