R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 23:41, Friday 12 October 2018 (1015)
Simulation of OPO by using Finesse after know the precise modulation depth, giving some new results

Since we have a new result of modulation depth, I did the simulation again. This time I also find a way to get the simulation result of optical length, Finesse, FSR and FWHM.

  simulation measurment CAD estimation
Finesse 73 56 +/- 0.04 -
FSR(MHz) 3943.3 2785+/- 0.19 -
FWHM(MHz) 53.79 59.93 +/- 0.21 -
optical length(mm) 38 53.855 +/- 0.013 38
error signal 60 14 -

The problem of error signal difference becomes less sever now.

Images attached to this report
1015_20181012163942_25.png 1015_20181012163948_20.png