Last updated 30 March. 2018

Important information for participants

For all visitors -- Access Card --

From Decmber 1st, 2017, NAOJ Mitaka cumpus introduced a Security Access Control System. Visitor must have an Access Card to enter the research building. So, all entrances of Subaru building are locked and you need this card to open.
You can get a temporary Access Card at the gurd houce by the main gate. We expect to be crowded just before the start time of this workshop, so please come to NOAJ a little earlier. To recieve the Access Card at the gurd houce, you need your photo-ID. Please don't foget to bring it.
List of accepted IDs
  • 運転免許証/Driver’s License
  • 写真付き職員証・学生証/Employee or Student ID (w/ photo)
  • 旅券/Passport
  • マイナンバーカード/Individual Number Card (Only need to show the front side)
  • 住民基本台帳カード/Basic Resident Register Card
  • 健康保険証/Health Insurance Card
  • 写真付き各種福祉手帳/Disability Certificate (w/ photo) issued by Government Agencies (e.g. Identification Booklet for the Disabled)
  • 運転経歴証明書/Driving Career Certificate (Issued after April 1st, 2012)
  • 在留カード・特別永住者証明書/Residence Card and Special Permanent Resident Certificate
* Detailed information about the campus security (in Japanese) : Introduction to the card-key system
* For those staying the COSMOS lodge, a security card will be provided at check-in.

Infomation about OT Hands-on sesssion

OT Hands-on session is optional session. Those who want to join to this session, please be in the Subaru Large seminar room at the start time. Here some instructions for the Town meeting related to the hands-on session.

Please install the Observing Tool (OT) and test it in your laptop before coming. The OT can be downloaded at:
  Observing Tool:
Note that the OT requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on the user’s machine. This can be downloaded from Currently, the OT will only work using Java 8 (64bit). Java 9 has recently been released, but this should not be used as we have recently received reports that this contains bugs which prevent the Web Start version of the OT from functioning.

We will accept indivisual questions about observation setting for your proposal. If you have a quastion, please feel free to contact ARC staff member during this session. Several staff member are walking around the session room.

Useful links:
  - Video tutorials:
  - A Quick Start Guide for using the Observing Tool
  - Known OT issues