NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
MarcEisenmann - 11:42, Friday 01 December 2023 (3361)

5104 coating measurement
[ByongJun, Marc, Shalika]
we installed a newport mirror with 5104 coating in a rotable mount, placed it in transmission of the LC.
PS : this mirror has a scratch a its edge.
We moved the polarization camera in reflection of the BS and used it to align the mirror. The beam is centered on the mirror and its reflection reaches the camera center.
We started birefringence measurement with 0deg rotation.
I tried to run some COMSOL simulations on the LC pc with too fine mesh which crashed the pc..
The measurement restarted with LC1 voltage between 0 to 25V with 10mV step; LC2 voltage between 1 to 3 V with same step.
filename is Fri,Dec 1, 2023 6-10-52 PM.txt saved in the same folder