NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
ShalikaSingh - 10:51, Monday 05 June 2023 (3269)

Correction of angle for fast axis
Angle correction in analysis
The problem for angles is happening maybe because we were considering the start position of rotation as 0° (instead of the actual angle of rotator). This was removed and we consider initial angle as 0° for all measurements now to understand what's going on
1. Fig 1 from elog 3256 where measured angle is 191.43° (start point) at Temp=25°
2. Fig 2 from elog 3256 where measured angle is 193.54° (after CW rotation by 11.43°) at Temp=30°
3. Fig 3 from elog 3260 where measured angle is 195.41° (after CW rotation by 2.15°) at Temp=30°
4. Fig 4 from elog 3262 where measured angle is 183.3° (after CW rotation by 1.83°) at Temp=30°
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