NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2

I present here the results of my own measurements on the polished SiC sample from Kyocera.
The measurements were done after Iwata-san did his measurements and after I did a necessary readjustment of the hight and the orientation of the laser.
The data show now a relatively equal maximum due to specular reflection, limited, of course, by the angular resolution of the system (-> 1 deg).
I added some roughly read data from Iwata-sans Backscattering measurements.
It is interesting to note that they are for all angles bigger than the JASMINE data would imply. At least for the maximum at AOI=0, it might be a true value. However, I am skeptical that the other values (all at around 0.02) are due to pure backscattering. Actually, I guess that noise is the main factor for their values...
The next step will be the measurement of the non-polished side of SiC.
It would be nice if you check the polarization of the incident lights; maybe it would be different between the JASMINE one and the backscattering measurement system.