NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2

[Eleonora, Matteo, Miyakawa (remotely)]
We have finally solved the problem with DGS.
As suspecteted by Miyakawa-san, it was due to a broken ADC timing adaptor. The main reason why we took so long to realize it is that in order to simplfy the configuration I was connecting the timing box (the one that was carefully tested) to only one of the two ADC cards istalled in the PC. Miyakawa-san pointed out that all the ADC/DAC PCie installed in the standalone have to receive a correct timing signal otherwise NONE OF THEM will work. On the other and it doesn't matter if they are not connect to AA/AI.
So I test also the second ADC timing adapter and found out that it was broken. The pin of the SMB connector on the board (pic 1) was broken and got stuck in the SMB2BNC adapter (pic2). According to Miyakawa-san this is a frequent issue for these components.
Since we don't have any spare ADC timing adapter, I removed the second ADC card (which currenty is not used) from the standalone and connected the DAC timing adapter to the DAC PCie. In this configuration the system could work again.
Miyakawa-san will send to Mitaka two more ADC timing adapter from KAGRA.
Other usefull information:
1) The correct way to connect the DAC timing box to DAC PCie and AI is shown in pic 3 (note that the connectors for the two ports are the same). The first pdf attached shows the pin assignment of the DAC timing box which is usefull to test the connections and detect a possible break of the SMB.
2) The pin assignement for ADC timing box is show in the second pdf attached. Since in this case the connector from ADC and to AA are different it is easy to identify the correct connection configuation.
3) The correct set up for the timing signal generator is: square wave at 65536 Hz, level 2.5, offset 1.25. It provide a squared wave of 0-5 Volt.